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Everything posted by gustav

  1. QUOTE(JFM @ Jan 29 2008, 03:38 PM) Thanks, I will try that.
  2. Thanks for the replies all! I realize I missed quite a bit of important information in my post, sorry about that. I am using labview 7.1.1 for this project. The actual case is that I have an allready compiled exe, and I want to some data out of it. I'm thinking that an ugly but working hack would be to use a reference for reading the data from a frontpanel control. So I can not really change anything inside the exe. So in my example test1 would be inside the compiled exe, while test2 would be in the development environment (or possibly in another exe) . QUOTE(tcplomp @ Jan 28 2008, 07:30 PM) The test2.vi is ran in the development. The suggestion about opening a reference to the app is interesting (even if I cant use it since it would require rebuilding the exe?), how do I specify a port in the build specs? QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Jan 28 2008, 08:46 PM) If the VI you want to reference is a part of the executable and is loaded as part of the executable (by having it used as a subVI somewhere in your code or having a static VI ref to that VI) then you can easily open a reference using Open VI Reference primitive. Instead of wiring a path, just wire a string that is the VI's name (doesn't work for VIs that are inside libraries because you'd have to wire the fully qualified name and I don't think the primitive is updated to accept those (though I might be wrong; someone could've fixed that in 8.2 or 8.5 and I might not have heard about it)). But this would require test2 to also be inside the exe? QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Jan 28 2008, 11:35 PM) I do practially this exact thing that AQ is talking about when sending information to an EXE w/ LVx You may even want to change what your trying to do after seeing how it works. http://forums.lavag.org/LVx-Exported-LV-Fu...lity-t9437.html It uses a top level object to handle the flow of information and command into and back from the EXE. Then you make children objects/commands, that have the specific data for that command and when the EXE is done w/ the command it sends it back w/ any status or processsed data that may also be there. Seems like a good tool, but not applicable here since I can not recompile the exe. Once again, apologies for not being clear enough in my first post.
  3. Hi, I want to get a reference to a front panel object of a VI (test1.vi) that is built into an executable file, while the executable is running. If i first start the executable (by doublecliking on the exe), then in another VI (test2.vi) use the 'open VI reference' VI, pointing it to the executable, the reference opens just fine but it doesnt seem to point to the running instance but rather to the VI on disk. This means If I reference a front panel object and read values with a property node the values doesnt match what is seen in the frontpanel of the running instance of test1.vi . I did find the solution of simply starting test1 with an invoke node inside test2, but I am curious if there is another solution. Is it possible to get a reference to the frontpanel of a running VI that is inside of an executable? any clarification about htis would be great. /Gustav
  4. QUOTE(pandiaraj @ Dec 18 2007, 11:45 AM) You can use a property node to read the cursor position.
  5. QUOTE(rolfk @ Dec 7 2007, 02:03 PM) Thanks, yeah, that seems to be the case. After fiddling around a bit my guess is that the timed loop requires some kind of clean up code to be ran when the VI gets unloaded, but this is not done properly if calling the 'Quit Labview' function (or if calling FP close) . It seems I found a workaround by having the main VI use an invoke node for calling a dynamically loaded VI that calls the 'Quit labview' , with 'Wait until done' set to false. I guess this causes the main VI to unload properly and clean up the timed loop before the dynamically loaded VI calls 'Quit labview' . This is of course just guessing, so if anyone has any comments on this it would be interesting to hear it .I should add that it was also necessary to add a delay in the dynamically loaded VI before calling Quit labview.
  6. QUOTE(TobyD @ Dec 5 2007, 05:20 PM) Ah, I forgot to mention this, the process that is left behind is the same process that runs the application. It has the same name as the application. So quit labview in this case does not seem to kill all labview processes as it should.Probably I should also add that the process left behind does not seem to use any CPU time at all after the application has exited.
  7. It seems now the problem is related to using a timed loop triggered by a counter output event, see the attached image. As to why this causes the problem I am experiencing I have no idea. It doesnt seem to matter wether the timed loop is triggered by the actual event or not (the loop can also be stopped by a notification). The task used to create the timing source is cleared before the application exits. Anyone has any clue what is going on?
  8. I am having trouble with a built application under labview 7.1 . The problem is that under some circumstance the application doesnt exit properly. Basically, after the application exits there is still a process running until I go into the task manager process list and kill it. This happens if I call the 'Exit labview' VI at the end of the application, or if I close the front panel with an invoke node. If I do not call any of these, when the appliation ends the front panel will still be open but the application not running. If I then close the frontpanel no process is left. I am trying to track down what causes this, main suspicons at the moment are that it is related to either DAQmx or to an externall dll. Does anyone have some knowledge about what could be causing this behaviour? It would be of great help. thanks, gustav
  9. I am running labview 7.1.1 and am experiencing trouble with calling datasocket open while a dialog window is open. This seems to be a known issue in 8.2.1 ( http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch...69?OpenDocument ) , is it also a known issue in lv 7.1.1? Does anybody know about a workaround? Is the memory leak problem mentioned in the above document also present in labview 7.1.1? Id be grateful for any clarifications on this. /Gustav (I also posted this question on the NI forums, http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...hread.id=283165 )
  10. QUOTE(jhoskins @ Apr 4 2007, 06:38 PM) Personally I would be very happy with that solution but unfortunately it is not what the customer requested . Thanks anyway.
  11. Ok, so I know how to set the keyboard shortcut for a control by right clicking and selecting Advanced>>Key navigation. This however doesnt let me do exactly what I want, which is to have a slider, and then have one keyboard shortcut for increasing the value and one keyboard shortcut for decreasing the value. Will using an event structure that catches key down events on the VI let me do what I want? Is there some pitfall with using this technique that I should be aware of? Greateful for any replies. I should probably also add that Im using LV7.1 . /Gustva
  12. QUOTE(Neville D @ Feb 21 2007, 06:34 PM) Thanks for confirming my suspicisons ! Will have to think of another solution then.
  13. I'm running a counter task for pulse generation, using an external signal as a source for ticks. I'm wondering if it's possible to switch the input terminal for the ticks while the task is running? This means I would have two sources of pulses connected to two different pins on my NI6602 card, and while the pulse generation task is running I want to be able to switch from which pin it gets the ticks. When I try to do this I get an error, so it appears to me it is not possible. However I thought I should check with the expert before ruling out the possibility, or perhaps someone could tell me another way to accomplish what I need . Any answers would be apreciated. /Gustav
  14. I have a little trouble generating pulses with my NI 6602 card. What I want to do is to generate a finite pulse train of four pulses, started by a trigger signal. I want there to be a delay between the trigger signal and the start of the pulse train. I'm using the DAQmx 'CO pulse ticks' VI . This allows me to set a delay for the signal, and this works fine when generating a single pulse. However when I include the 'DAQmx Timing' vi, setting implicit timing and four pulses, the delay does not seem to work any more. What am I doing wrong? Ive included a VI that shows how I set up the channel. I would be glad for any help on this. /Gustav
  15. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Feb 14 2007, 01:16 PM) Is this only a problem with dynamic events, or with all? I'm working in labview 7.1.1 at the moment. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Feb 14 2007, 05:04 PM) Anyone considering multiple event structures should read the online help topic: "Caveats and Recommendations when Using Events in LabVIEW" Launch LV, use Help>>Search the LabVIEW Help... and use the Search tab to find the above topic. Of particular interest to you will be the topic about "Avoid Placing Two Event Structures in One Loop." It has further details about avoiding hanging when using multiple event structures in general. Thanks, allthough I've allready had a look and it didnt answer this particular question. Definitely some good tips there though .
  16. Ok, so I am working with an application that has two event structures running in paralell loops. I didnt design the application, so I'm not completely sure how it works. One event ( quit button value change ) is handled in both event structures. What I'm wondering is, if an event is handled in multiple event structures, will all of them receive notification when the event occurs? grateful for any clarification on this . /Gustav
  17. I got it to work, allthough I had no luck with the ini files so I used an application property node instead. Thanks!
  18. Thanks, that sounds like exactly what I needed to know. And an impressively fast response too !
  19. Is it possible to use VI server calls to get a reference to a VI inside a built application on a remote computer, if the remote computer does not have the labview development environment installed? I guess what I'm really asking is if the VI server is included in teh LV runtime engine or only in the development environment. I would be thankful for any answers . /Gustav
  20. Ah that does make some sense. Guess I could also put the development code in a dynamically loaded subVI if I dont want to include it in the release. Thanks .
  21. Because there are something like 10 different VIs that each would have to come in a different versions, and they are called in maybe 50 places in total. So that would amount to a lot of case structures if I put one in every place where one of the VIs were called. Yeah, unfortunately this project is in labview 7.1 . Thanks for your reply!
  22. Well, my problem is like this: I have one (or in fact several) (sub)VI that read measurement data from specialized hardware. During development I want sometimes want to replace this VI with another one that has exactly the same interface, but gets the data from somewhere else, most likely a file. I might want to switch back and forth between those two VIs during development, but when deploying the application only the one that gets the actual measurement data should be available. I can see several ways to achieve this: 1) Use dynamic loading of the VI, deciding which one to load depending on some configuration constant or something. Pros: Easy to switch Cons: Seems a bit complex, in the deployed version dynamic loading would be used even though it is not really necessary. Also I'm worried that using dynamic loading could affect performance. 2) Have two versions of the VI, and a proxy VI that selects which of the VI's to use based on some constant. All calls are made to the proxy VI. Pros: Easy to switch. Cons: Adds an extra layer of Proxy VIs (could introduce a little overhead? ) . Deployed version will have to include also the 'fake' VIs ( allthough perhaps this could be avoided if the 'fake' VIs are loaded dynamically in the proxy VI? ). 3) Have two versions of the VI. For switching, close the main VI and replace the VI on disk. Pros: No overhead or unneceasry code in the deployed version Cons: Switching will be uncomfortable None of these options seem really elegant to me, is there some other way that I have missed? Otherwise, which one does people think is the most effective/elegant ? Thankful for any help! /Gustav
  23. Cool, thank you very much .
  24. I'm looking into making a custom cable to connect to the port of an NI 6602 board, for testing purposes. However I have been unable to find out for sure what the type of connector found on the 6602 board is called. Does anybody know? Could it be an DB68 ? /Gustav
  25. Here's a description of how you recreate the repository: http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#dumpload Note that this is only necessary if you want to benefit from the new repository format which uses less diskspace. Recreating the repository will not lose any data or history. The few times Ive upgraded subversion I never had any problems.
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