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Ghost Coder

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    LabVIEW 2018
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  1. I updated to HTML report and no issue. Still don't know what I changed to cause the ATML to stop working. I only remember changing the report path.
  2. Thanks BramJ, you are correct, the result had some termination characters that were not removed by the function. It seems the way TestStand evaluates Regular Expressions is that the expected string must address all characters. I would assume that a -1 for not found would be a fail, and anything 0 or above would be pass, but it seems the "offset past match" must also equal the string length. Next Problem: (any report options I can adjust?) Unable to load the XML Report. At line 44 End tag 'tr:Test' does not match the start tag 'c:Limit'.
  3. I haven't used TestStand since version 2013, What am I missing? I would like to send a string to a COM port and evaluate the response using a regular expression. Using TS2020 Sequence Editor out of the box, with no customization. Using a String Value Test Step Type. Comparison type is "RegularExpressionCaseSensitive". Also tried using String Compare, and IgnoreCase The function's output "response" I am assigning to Step.Result.String. The comparison always fails. So my work-around is to make it a Log step, and evaluate in a subsequent step, but I'd prefer to have it all done in 1 step. Regards, Greg Win 10, TS2020 (32bit), LV 2019 (32bit)
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