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  1. swings


    you are wonderfull,i am so appreciate to you! thanks agian for you help.
  2. swings


    hi JFM. * Can you PING the instrument from the CMD prompt? yes i can. * Check instrument communication settings. it's OK! * Check how a message transfer is ended, e.g. by CR/LF. * Use a network sniffer, e.g. Ethereal, to check if there is a network problem. NOW,I POST my instrument information my instrument is advantest spectrum analyzer U3700 series U3751 the instrument supports GPIB/LAN interface. now i want to control the U3751 through LAN interface. in the MAX,i have configed it,it's ok.there are no problem. this instrument don't support VXI-11 bus,so when i configed theMAX,i select the third option which is the raw network socket. can you help me again! thanks
  3. swings


    thanks for your reply JFM you are right..the visa-read generator this error.. i followed JFM and add a visa-write with the command *IDN? but there is the same error,it look like that the instrument is not controled. what can i do ? help me!!! it is emergency!
  4. swings


    hi,i come again. the program is below: and there is a error,the error code is -1073807339 i used the "explain error" it said that Error -1073807339 occurred at an unidentified location Possible reason(s): VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed. what can i do ?
  5. swings


    thanks for your reply......
  6. swings


    hi.everybody there is a visa resourse,and i use visa write to send some information to the instrument. when i debug my program,there is a error when the dataflow pass the visa write. the error code is -1073807194 i used the error explanation.it showed /* Error -1073807194 occurred at an unidentified location Possible reason(s): VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A6) The connection for the given session has been lost.*/ what is happened? what can i do to solve this problem?
  7. i am using a crosscable...... what can i do ?
  8. HI JFM,thanks for your reply. just like this. what can i do to solve this problem? my instrument is Advantest specturm analyzer U3700 Series U3751 my software is labview professional 7.1 visa 4.0 full version i set my instrument ip socket number:5025 (referenced by the instrument manual) my pc ip: connected by a cable with RJ45 my instrument is not supported by the VXI-11 bus so in the MAX i selected the RAW network socket when i configed it.
  9. hi crelf,thanks for your reply. now,i have configed it in the MAX. the advantest specturm analyzer is not supported by the VXI-11 bus. for i have configed it in the max,i want to communicated it by using the VISA VIs i programed a simple VI for the communication,but it can't work when i run it,it showed err -1073807343 can you help me again.
  10. Right now,I want to use Labview to control the Specturm analyzer through the ethernet interface..... Does anyone know how to do this? resourse in hand: labview 8.2 Advantest specturm analyzer U3700 series
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