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Mr Tulip

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  1. Pretty sure its USB RAW. I made the driver as the NI.com tut suggested. It wont let me set endpoints as bulk in/out in the property node. Im running IO Protocol either 1 or 4 - not sure which is correct yet. Cheers.
  2. Hi. I am trying to talk USB to a piece of kit. I know commands are sent via EP2 and received via 2 and 7 depending on the type. Do these map to VI_ATTR_USB_BULK_IN_PIPE and outpipe as simply 2 and 7 in the visa interactive thing? Cant seem to set them without getting errors. Thanks tons. Tulip.
  3. I have made the USB drivers for labview and am currently trying to get the thing working. I am having issues with property nodes and setting the io protocol. Does anyone know of a nice online page that tells us how to do it - I have all the commands and tried running them through measurement & automation but because the init command needs to be run first it might be having issues,
  4. Found out about a nifty program called viewusb that solved the problem. Now... does anyone know of a program that will go through random USB commands to try and get my bit of kit working? {the manufacturer might keep the commands a secret - i have the RS-232 commands though} Unsure as to how complex USB commands are. Thanks.
  5. Hi All. Is there a bit of software that will tell me the USB VID and PID of a bit of kit so I can put the values into VISA? The manufacturer notes dont tell me. Thanks. Tulip.
  6. thanks for your help.
  7. Hi All. Would the entire labview 7.1 cd wallet with everything include anywhere the NI-VISA software? I am essentially trying to get USB into labview and thats the only way I am mildly familiar with. If anyone knows of a better/easier way to do DAQ with USB in 7.1 please feel free to help! Currently on a deep learning curve with a uni labview assignment. Cheers. Tulip.
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