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  1. Could you please show me step by step how to wire this figure in block diagram. I really zero in LV. Thanks.
  2. Could you please show me step by step how to wire this figure in block diagram. I really zero in LV. Thanks. :headbang:
  3. ok..let me explain. This is the starting point. Let say I have two Vi. I want to connect these 2 vi using button. You get what I mean??How to do that?
  4. hi..anybody..please help me..i need the example of page that link each other. For example, if we click one of the button name (machine)in main page..it will go to the machine page.thats all for now. Thanks.. :headbang:
  5. roxe

    mouse click

    Hi, Thank you so much..I'll try my best to use this solution. :thumbup:
  6. Why I use LV?The answer is..My lovely supervisor ask me to use it with Matlab for our new project..Computer Aided Education in Electrical Engineering (Induction Motor Simulation)..
  7. Why I use LV?The answer is..My lovely supervisor ask me to use it with Matlab for our new project..Computer Aided Education in Electrical Engineering (Induction Motor Simulation)..
  8. roxe

    mouse click

    Dear Paulo, To make it more clear, let me attach you my project sample.What I want to do is, when I click the motor..the dialog box will appear(type of motor) as I explain above.One more, when I click the button Rotor, the Rotor_Design.vi page will appear.Hope this can help you to help me.. :headbang: Download File:post-683-1095953883.vi Download File:post-683-1095954033.vi
  9. roxe

    mouse click

    Dera Paulo, Let me explain clearly..1st thing, When I click a figure(actually I set it as button, but I hide it), I want a dialog box appear as a menu selection, eg:-there are 2 types of machine..A and B.Then, when I click A..a new window(window A) will appear. My second problem is, How to connect the button in main vi to subvi?I hope it should be clear for you. Please show me the simple example because i'm so stupid in LV :headbang: Regards, Roxe
  10. roxe

    mouse click

    errmm The button still not functioning.Arghh..it make me headache...can you give me an example of button function?I sill can't ge it..help me please..
  11. Hi...I have problem in doing a mouse click-event (normal click). What I want to do is, when I click the tarnsparent button, the pop up menu will appear(menu selections) in small size in the same window. Then, when I click one of the menu, new window will appear. One more, how to paste the sub vi before I connect with the button function? Please don't laugh at me.Thank You..
  12. thank you so much....
  13. hi... I try to download ur attachment..but unfortunately i'm using LV7.0..I feel so dissapointed.Can u give me another axample which are using LV7.0?I really appreciate ur help... Regards, Roxe
  14. Hye guys..thanks for ur help...i really appreaciate it! Regards, Roxe :thumbup:
  15. Download File:post-683-1095235225.vihello...i'm new in labview world.I have some questions related to this topic. 1)how to create pop up menu, when we right-click the figure?the pop up menu will appear the type of figure.After we choose, then the new page will appear. 2)how to open new front panel when we click the button, means how to link the pages? here i'm attaching you my project sample.Please, anybody out there...help me..the due date of my project is around the corner.Thank you very much. Regards, Roxe
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