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Posts posted by Darren2

  1. I'm a little flat out at the moment so I don't have time to go into all the DirectX / DirectShow stuff, but the statement above suggests that you might be able to adjust a registry setting to get the full resolution (?)

    This is what I am thinking. I don't know where that would be in the registery?????? Or, is it possible to write your own filter to work with this? I don't need to change the size so just putting something in the registery would be fine.

  2. Does anyone know how to make a direct show filter? Or how to set the default size in the registery?

    Hello all,

    I have a Video Card from EMC called a PhynxRGB that will capture 1600X1200 Video. It is designed to work with Micorsoft WDM streaming drivers. I am not very adept with this way of doing things. I have this working great with Labview's IMAQ for USB, but I can't get the Manufactures filter to let me set the image any bigger than 1024X768(Default). I think there my not be a manufactures filter and what I am getting is some default filter. The card is capturing a full 1600X1200, but Labview is reducing it to 1024X768(Default) :wacko: . I have to have the full 1600X1200. I am not sure what the difference between WDM DirectX and Direct show are. Here is what they said to my complaint:

    The WDM drivers are written to comply with Microsoft Windows Media Encoder requirements, your DirectX application must ask or set the drivers for the resolution that you require to be captured. If this request is not made, or your application is unable to make such request then the default setting within the registery is 1024x768, hence input signals low or higher in resolution could get scaled up or down to 1024x768.

    Any help would be greatly apreiciated.


  3. Hello all,

    I have a Video Card from EMC called a PhynxRGB that will capture 1600X1200 Video. It is designed to work with Micorsoft WDM streaming drivers. I am not very adept with this way of doing things. I have this working great with Labview's IMAQ for USB, but I can't get the Manufactures filter to let me set the image any bigger than 1024X768(Default). I think there my not be a manufactures filter and what I am getting is some default filter. The card is capturing a full 1600X1200, but Labview is reducing it to 1024X768(Default) :wacko: . I have to have the full 1600X1200. I am not sure what the difference between WDM DirectX and Direct show are. Here is what they said to my complaint:

    The WDM drivers are written to comply with Microsoft Windows Media Encoder requirements, your DirectX application must ask or set the drivers for the resolution that you require to be captured. If this request is not made, or your application is unable to make such request then the default setting within the registery is 1024x768, hence input signals low or higher in resolution could get scaled up or down to 1024x768.

    Any help would be greatly apreiciated.


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