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Everything posted by Spinal

  1. Hey everybody, i just registradet myself in this site Im a student from Belgium and i need to make a project in labview 8.0 I need to generate synchronous sine and cosine frequency that are user defined and send out amplitude and sine by using a sound card. The sine goes throu 1 of 2 the stereo entrances of the sound card and is also offered to a system (electronically, elektro-optical, acoustic...) and the sine out put of the system are read in by the other stereo entrance of the sound card. Real-time the current amplitude and faze of the read in indicator stipulated, with adjustable integration time - extra option: to send out, reads in and analysing several sines at the same time - extra option: frequentiescan defined by the user Thats the beginning of my project and i dont know how to make it. I tried to make it but i only can input a sound by micro and display it on a wave form chart and graph. Now this is easy but i cant manage do make something like that. thats 1 of my subVI's i have to make. I have made the rest of the VI's all ready, but im stuck with this 1 :headbang: . Can some1 pls help me with this 1 or give it to me that would be beter Thx for your help :worship: My project is to make a tool box to measure, analysis and filtering electric indicators and sounds and stipulating frequency spectrum and pulseresponses of systems using a sound card. forgot to mension it Pls guys help me
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