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  1. So, I hope to know what is DMA channel?? and, how to set DMA channel for our programs to use, for example, how to set DMA channels information in MAX??
  2. Dear all: I have some questions about the DAQmx, my questions is listed in following: when I only use the DAQmx AO or AI function, that my program can running normally, but , when I want to combine these AO&AI functions in the same program, my progrm appear some error information("error-200251 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi" Possible reasons: No DMA channels are available), why my program appear this error information?? I hope everyone can help me this question, thank you many much!! Download File:post-756-1120223783.vi
  3. Dear all: I have some questions about the DAQmx, my questions is listed in following: when I only use the DAQmx AO or AI function, that my program can running normally, but , when I want to combine these AO&AI functions in the same program, my progrm appear some error information("error-200251 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi" Possible reasons: No DMA channels are available), why my program appear this error information?? :headbang: I hope everyone can help me this question, thank you many much!! :worship: Download File:post-756-1120209507.vi
  4. How to use the usb port to transmission data by Labview 7.x' usb functions?? my mean is use the functions on "Instrument I/O>>VISA>>VISA Advanced>>Interface Specific>>VISA USB" to implement usb communication. How can I do?? :worship:
  5. Dear all: I have a question is needed everyone to help me..... my question is listed in following: 1. if I have a equation in the frequency domain, that is " G(jw)H(jw)= jw/(jw+5). 2. so, I hope use this equation to calculate it's amplitude and phase, then use these results to plot a "Bode" graph using formula node. How can I do?? Thanks!!! :worship:
  6. Dear JackHamilton: I have been tried your example program about "Splashscreen", but I find some problems want to ask you, these problems list in following: 1. Whether this example program only running on LabVIEW 6.1? because my LabVIEW version is 7.0, a vi(splashscreen_Rev2.vi) not found when I open this example program. 2. In your example program, why first to open main program then minimize the front panel window? If I exchange this order, frist open "splashscreen.vi" then to open main program, whether can to finish a program that functions as same as your example program?? Thanks!!
  7. Thanks everybody!! :worship: your reply let me learning more technique on LabVIEW. thanks again!!
  8. hello everybody: I have a question, that is how to create a starting picture(logo) before we open a labview program? that is same as a logo when we open any application program. thanks
  9. hello everybody: I have a question about capture screen image in LabVIEW 7.0. What vi is can be used to implement this function?? Sincerely
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