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    LabVIEW 2020
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  1. Hello Everyone! I found this awesome forum today, while struggling with a NI major contract decision. I manage a big R&D department, operating in Brazil. Our team is focused in measurement system development and labview is the key tool. We have an Entreprise Agreement, with unlimited software usage and besides the price, it was great up to 2019. However, here in Brazil, NI is now providing a poor service the cost is escalating very quickly. We are considering on keeping our usage only in our single-seats licenses and cutting of the six figures yearly cost. In this case, I'm afraid that we'll need to keep 2021 version for 5-7 years before being able to update it again. My main concern is about having a major compatibility issue by staying on the current version. Could you, expert Labview community, give me a word of advice? I've seen that some of you are still using LV2009, 2011 or so... Thank you!
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