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Everything posted by MarceloGA

  1. QUOTE(bmoyer @ Jan 29 2008, 01:54 PM) Thanks Bruce thank you for your idea, i do it that
  2. Hi Gays ich try to customize the Image Display control, i can change the picture for the main image but the buttons?? i cannot customize the buttons, because the option is disable, i don´t why? is there another option or process to change the pictures for the buttons?? can anybody help me!
  3. Hi Guys I solved the problem now, i use only a property Node (Value "Signalling") in VI "B", this property forces a change the Value in VI "B", than this Change can be reflected to the Main VI "C" Best regards
  4. When you use a Global Variable or something, your system is charge unnecessary, another thing my Main VI has to be fast, and for this reason the main VI “C” doesn’t have to make this work. When you use a time out, your application waits always something, and your resources are minimized. i want to solve that whit this solution, if someone knows please can you help me???
  5. Hi Guys I want to transfer data from a VI to another VI. The picture can explain the Goal. The VI "A" generates a error, this error is transferred to the VI "B", when a Error is coming. Now the error has to go to the Main VI (VI "C"). But the VI "C" doesn't ask about the success, the process is so, the VI "C2 has to react a change in VI "B", for this reason a use a Event Structure. Now is a problem, when the values of VI "B" is changed through VI "A", these change cannot be show in VI "C", because the Event Structure react only a Mouse or Key Control for the user, but not when the Value is changed for an other VI. I try to do that whit a User Event; I create this event in VI "B", to send to VI "C" the values through this even Structure, but it isn't working.
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