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Posts posted by nosflowm

  1. OK, I'm having two big problems with ActiveX.

    Problem #1 is trying to get Matlab to call a LabVIEW app. Simple enough from the LV end, just turn on the VI server.

    Seems simple enough from the Matlab end:


    vipath='c:\Documents and Settings\nosflowm\Desktop\testx.vi';


    I can run the VI with:

    vi.Run or vi.Call or vi.Call2

    The trouble is I have no idea how to pass parameters to the VI and how to read back the output. I've munged together that I can set the input arguments the hard way:

    vi.SetControlValue('input variable1',4);

    But if I try to use the NI suggested method "Call" or "Call2", Matlab chokes on any input parameter I specify:

    object.Call2([paramNames], [paramVals], [openFP], [closeFPAfterCall], [suspendOnCall])turns into:

    >> vi.Call2('input variable1',5)

    ??? Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: The parameter is incorrect.

    Any ideas?

    Problem #2 involves interfacing with a VisualBasic program developed by a third-party for a piece of hardware, and he's really reluctant to help debug anything.

    I can sort of munge things into working by embedding his OCX into a global variable and have each subVI in my app refer to it. But it just feels wrong, and I have to implement a signaling channel to prevent contention. I should be able to create a reference and pass that between VIs. Only problem is that it fails miserably, giving me Error code -97, and when I probe the line, it has a null reference to the ActiveX interface.

    That's the easy part. The hard part is that I want to write clean code. That is, I want to initialize the instrument when I start my top level VI and close it when I'm done. But somewhere things don't close out cleanly. Which means that every time I want to test my code, I need to restart LabVIEW, or the ActiveX server thinks that someone else is controlling the hardware interface (4 serial ports). How can I fully close down the ActiveX object without restarting LabVIEW?

    Sorry if my jargon is off, I've never worked with ActiveX, COM, or NET before. Any help would be appreciated.


    -- MW

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