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Everything posted by SeniorStudent

  1. The VI i have is to control a stepper motor to move forward and reverse (attached)..I used two pins of the parallel port as inputs to the motor.. Now, my task is to control another stepper motor along with the first motor in the same VI.. The conditions are for the user to select either one moves, or both work together
  2. Hello, I hav 2 cntrol 2 motors n a way that da user can choose wthr only one moves, or one moves followed by da 2nd..i hv the VI 4 cntrol'n 1 stpr motor. but i dint succeed 2 cntrl 2..im us'n 2 o/p lines of da LPT 4 da motor.. any ideas.? i need them to be contorlled sequantially with a slight time delay in between..
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