I've used labview at school since 2004/05 but i've always used the daq boards provided by my university.
- Terminial Blocks: BNC Terminal Blocks and Shielded Screw Terminal Blocks
I'll graduate in may so i need a similar system to continue my projects @ home. [want more functionality though.]
Also advice on software because labview might not be the best for some of the tasks i need to accomplish.
There is so many products for both hardware and software I want some advice before I spend $ at
price range < $1500.
Software Applications:
I need labview to be able to function as a function generator and oscilloscope. (all boards should do this but just incase)
I would like a logger, example to examine the usb protocol, I would like to see the actual waveforms on the line.
In the past I've used a "chart" and outputed the data to a file, however I'm ready for something more sophisticated.
NI LabVIEW SignalExpress ?????
http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/2805 - picture of waveforms i would like to be able to see.
http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/202480 - another
I'm currently using a usb to uart bridge but would like to be able to implement this in raw form.
In the past for my sequential logic circuits i've used max plus 2 with an Altera EPM7128S PLD.
Since the time i created my intial circuits the company created Quartus II to replace maxplus.
I rather consolidate my software rather than have 3 different programs for my circuits:
labview, quartus, and orcad
Does ni provide something to help me design sequential circuits? What do ya use for sequential circuits?
I've searched on google and I only found vi's for flip flops
Say i build a sequential circuit using that guys vi how do i get the simulated waveforms.
Also can it peform validation for me instead of examining the wave form myself.
Example: give the values of present state, my new input, and what the expected output should be
And the software tell me if it passed or failed for that condition. Maybe setup a regression tests to test all the possible combinations.[meaning give it my state table and it pass or fail and tell me which conditions failed.]
Is the software and hardware sold seperately or is it one package?
Example can i use a terminal block and be able to use LabVIEW SignalExpress and Measurement Studio for Visual Studio .NET ?
seems like only the more expensive boards are advertised with those software.
Hardware Applications:
Maybe a board that functions with openg.org, however that is not a requirement just a want.
DIO requirements
I'll be mostly programming freescale controllers and testing DACs; so digital I/O >= 8 would be beneficial.
AIO requirements
I'll mostly be testing clipping circuits, triggers, filters, .... and testing ADC on the controller so >= 2 Analog I/O
Reason for greater than is so i don't have to take apart my circuit to test another one, especially for Screw Terminal Blocks.
thanks for any advice on software/hardware and general workbench setup I might need.
Leblanc Meneses