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  1. Hello folks, and thanks for the comments. Regarding the debug boolean: Yes, I agree. I've actually had the same comment from about 3 others since I posted the link yesterday. Regarding multiple instances: Yes, you can have multiple LabBASIC VI's running in parallel without any issues. Regarding calls back to LV: Hmmm, this is possible, although would require a small change to the code. It's possible via COM to connect to the LabVIEW engine and set parameters. The current beta doesn't pass the COM reference of the calling VI to the LabBASIC VI, but I will look into this. Best regards, Chris
  2. Hello PJM, If you could just use the 'contact' link on the website, or just email me @ beta@labbasic.com . I'll try to post the list that gets compiled. If there are enough testers, I think setting up a forum would be a great idea! Thanks for the help! Chris
  3. Hello LAVA Forumites, I have developed an in-line basic interpreter VI for LabVIEW that allows a developer or enduser to place basic scripts in LabVIEW applications via an Express VI. I am hoping to get a handful of LabVIEW developers to download it and try it out. http://www.labbasic.com There is alot more data on the software including a couple of 'screencam' style flash movies showing LabBASIC in action on the website. The download is about 5.5 megs. Regards! Chris McLennan chris@labbasic.com
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