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Posts posted by hematose

  1. QUOTE(Dirk J. @ Feb 6 2007, 05:52 PM)

    I need really fast Fourier transforms (*). Simple 'millisecond timer value' benchmarking shows an approximate calculation time of 200 us (microsecond) for an 2048 double array on my system, which I would like to be about 10x faster. Has anyone here experience with using external libraries in Labview, such as FFTW or Intel Math Kernel / Intel Performance Libraries? How do they compare to LV's FFT routines?

    The benchmarking was done on a 1.7 GHz Pentium M, 1GB Dell Inspiron 510m laptop; LV8.2, winXPsp2.

    (*) For those of you interested in the application: its Optical Coherence Tomography, an optical medical imaging technique analogous to ultrasound, you know, with the babies. But we image smaller structures, typically . My raw image data is typically an 2D array (2048 x 600) in which I need to take the 600 FFTs of the columns to get my final image; 2048 being the # of pixels of a line scan camera. The hardware is capable of doing ~20 images/second; the software isn't.

    Hi Dirk,

    Did you ever manage to solve this problem? I'm looking to do something similar with FFTW.


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