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Posts posted by chiupohsiang

  1. Now, I want to press "start" button, and then type "start" string, it can start receiving 0~255 A/D data from single chip. When I type "end" string in my "input string" box, it can transmit "end" to my single chip, and then single chip will stop. Why my LabVIEW can not do it? Can you help me? Thank you.

    P.S.:My single chip program has already passed testing by Windows Hyper Terminal. When I type "start" string single chip can transmit 0~255 to Hyper terminal, when I type "end" string single chip will stop transmit 0~255 A/D data. Now, I just want to design a interface which it function like a Hyper Terminal.

  2. I buy a 3-axis Gauss meter. In manual, it provides protocol. Do you know how to use LabVIEW 8.0 to make a interface, which can simultaneously show x-axis, y-axis, z-axis and root mean square (RMS) value on LabVIEW 8.0.(Gauss meter value and LabVIEW 8.0 value simultaneously)

    I don't know how to show them on LabVIEW 8.0 simultaneously. If you know please use your free time to teach me. I don't want to bother you. If you are some free time, please feel free to teach me. I'll very appreciate you.

    P.S.:Protocol attached on Letter.

    I want to use RS-232C to communicate with PC (LabVIEW 8.0).

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