The problem was solved at the NI forum.
If somebody wants to know more, you can check it there.
Best regards
Dear readers,
I was trying to alter the example from NI for reading only one column instead of a whole table. (
I did not find out how. I have a rather big database so it would be wrong to read all information and then filter it. (waste of time)
Thanks in advance
Best regards
I have tried the peakdetector. I noticed some problems. There are 3 "non real" peaks (see 1st attachement).
When i zoomed into the graph, i dont see special things (see 2nd attachement). The threshold is not passed.
This will cause a heartbeat frequency that is much higher (+18 (3x6)).
How can i solve this? I dont know how this can happen.
I need to design software for a medical application as a schoolproject. I have already a classic 1D array that is been visualized in a graph. (see attachement) How can i calculate the frequency of this signal? Another parameter i want to know is the risetime of every pulse...
When i visualized the derivate of this signal i see a lot of noise in it. I guess this is because i have an array and not a real signal. Is it possible to smooth graphs? I never used filtering before.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for the tip but i dont think this will work... because sometimes i want to show 1 graph, disable the other five graphs(not shown), then autosize.
Another time when i run my vi i want to see 3 graphs, disable other three and again autosize my frontpanel.
Thanks all for the replies...
I did not want to use the report generation menu because it has not many options to adjust the reportfile yourself and I wanted to create a labview program thats does this automaticly (easier to interact with my other program).
Today i analized some example code from the site of NI about active x and word. It looked difficult but it is not. So I managed to write my own report generation program. Proud
I am using LV now for two months for my project placement. It is a nice program to work with.
Hi people,
Does somebody know how to put a image from a graph to a word-File? I only found some expensive sofware to do this.
I also found some example code on the site of NI for putting some text in a word file. But i am not experienced enough to do this with a image.
And if this is easy maybe rotate the picture too.
To all repliers, thanks in advance
Sorry if my english is not 100%