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Posts posted by dsachau

  1. Could you have LabVIEW poll the meter until it sees a steady value in the correct range? If you wanted to get a little fancy, you could include a sketch of the board that shows where to put the probes for each measurement.

    Another route would be to make your own trigger, maybe something foot operated so the tech can use both hands for the probes. This would be easy to do if you have a daq card; I'm pretty sure you could rig something up using the parallel port too.

  2. In the LabVIEW help go to Fundamentals -> Development Guidelines -> LabVIEW Style Checklist and Fundamentals -> Managing Performance and Memory -> Concepts to get some basic do's and dont's. Here you will find the following advice.

    QUOTE(LabVIEW Help - VI Execution Speed)

    Though you can use controls, control references, and Property Nodes to pass data between VIs, they were not designed for use as variables because they work through the user interface. Use local variables and the Value property, only when performing user interface actions or when stopping parallel loops.

    One of the big selling points for LabVIEW is that it is easy (compared to other programming languages) for people with little experience to get a program to "work". Unfortunately that can lead to some pretty ugly code.

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