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Everything posted by Crowbar

  1. Hello, I'm working on portable magnetometer and soon I'll start its modification. Before initial hardware tests i want to ask here: in a datasheet it's mentioned that USB 6009 OEM module is capable of supplying 200mA load from 5v power outpup- is it real (my device works from DC-DC switching regulator which draws 185mA current), cause the USB 6009 OEM board itself eats 80mA, so during power on, it repots to USB host to draw additional 80mA (to power itself and produce 200mA more at output)? Best Regards, Konstantin.
  2. May be here is better to use type cast wired by byte array?
  3. Hello. I have a task when data is acquired from NI-USB 6009 analog channel by Daqmx read, data range is fixed to -2.5...2.5V. I want to take absolute readings- so there is a need in program data cut. In a bit words I want to cut last 2 bits- to have obly 12 bits insted of 14. How it can be done programmatically? The round-up isn't a righ way. Bets regards, Crowbar.
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