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Arthur Lima

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Posts posted by Arthur Lima

  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to build a VI to continuously collect cata from multiple cDAQs in parallel and am running into errors of it not being "able to keep up with hardware acquisition". I have 4 cDAQs total (see attached systems topology with all hardware used). I've used a similar system before and after some adjustment to Rate and Samples to Read managed to get it stable but this time I have not been able to.

    I've build separate acquisition tasks for each of the sources in my topology (daisy chained cDAQs are treated as single) inside the same loop. I've managed to narrow it down to the issue happening when I'm attempting to save the data into a file (using the Write to Measurement File VI) so I've moved to trying to use the save TDMS functionality but could use some assistance in trying to improve my VI to be more reliable and be able to save data to a single file (currently saving each cDAQ to its own TDMS).

    I've attached my VI for reference,

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts.



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