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Everything posted by porretas2000

  1. How can I create an array of arrays elements? Because I can't put an array inside other array.
  2. Thanks. It works very well
  3. Thaks. It works well, but I don*t put differnt font sizes in the same page, Why?
  4. Hi all. I*ve build an application very well and when I run it, the program works very good, but when I finish the application, the last front panel window don*t close, and apear toolbar, scrollbar and menubar, so the user can see the controls and the indicators that I don*t want who see. I want that the last windows close itself when the program stop. Thanks to all.
  5. Hi all. I have to made some pages that have headed and text on the rigth at the top of the page. For example, imagine that the next example is a page of this: Jhon smith 53659841-X Park Avenue 28005 MADRID Tlf.: 91 XXX XXXX THIS IS AN EXAMPLE(headed) sdkgjsdgjdfgjdjgdhfdbndbnnbdghdjhtjhiotjhojhkbn (text) How can I put the text on the rigth at the top of the page. I*m doing it with string constant, but is very slow and boring, help please. Thanks to all.
  6. Hi all. First good year to everybody. Now, How can I change the color of the control panel with a Knob? I would like that user could change the color of the application whet it is running. Thanks to all
  7. Hi all. My problem is that I haven*t found the Error handler in this function. If you run the Vi and, when the dialog box appears, you close it, does not pass anything, but if you place the vi in another vi, and beams the same, appears one Error dialog box. I want to modify this error dialog box, but I don*t find it*s code. Thanks to all
  8. Thanks to all. I*ve found the failure. The Serial Port wasn*t properly configured. I*ve added a VISA Configure Serial Port.vi, and the application has run properly. Greetings.
  9. Hi all. I*m making a program that controls a Spectrum Analycer by the Serial port, and I have to install it in a computer that hasn*t LabView installed. I*ve searched in the NI web, and I*ve found that instructions: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch...625673D0060F26C But my version of Application Builder is more modern than that, and when I build the application only appears an application (.EXE) a "Data" folder, and a "Install" folder, not a "Disk" Folder. I*ve copied the "Install" folder in the other computer and I*ve installed the program but the application don*t work , because the Initialize.vi (a VI that open the visa sesion) don*t work. I think that there are any drivers less (that would controll the serial port) but I thougth that the Application didn*t need anything more to work. I need that somebody tell my how to create an application that controls a device by serial port that work in a PC whitout LabView installed. Thanks to all.
  10. Thank you very much!!! The answer is very clear (thanks for the picture). Greetings.
  11. Hi all, I`m Spanish, and my english is very bad, so I
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