Very sorry about the multiple threads, I'm not sure how to post on the forum yet, I saw it as two different problems seperated from eachother. I'll try to be more specific this time about what I'm asking for. I cannot post all of the code because of copyright reasons, but I've made a copy of a part of the program to try to explain better. Disregard the timerfunction, it really was not the main problem for me.
(We are using an A/D-converter to get information on the physical channels)
As can be seen when running the programm and pressing the save button, the dialog box appears prompting for a file name. As far as I can see the VI starts saving the data when the save button is pushed, buffering the data while waiting for input from the user. I wish to know if it it is possible for me to force the VI to start saving AFTER the user have chosen a filename and pressed OK in the dialog box. That is, waiting for the OK button in the dialog box in stead of the saving button. I do not want it to save data while I'm prompting the user for the filename.
I have read several tutorials, and I also have books, and I have consulted LabVIEW help as well as internet, but nowhere have I found this answer.