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Everything posted by anor

  1. QUOTE(orko @ Jul 17 2007, 03:27 PM) I'm not sure I can explain it very well in english, but the complete program is to measure and analyze ECG signals. Some of these measurements are done according to specific methods that has to be meticulously timed, and some of them is measured for as short periods as 30 seconds. As the program is to be used by doctors I can not depend on them beeing very used to computers, and I don't want them to still be in the dialogbox after 30 seconds only to realise that the measurement has timed out =) Also I don't want the buffer to get too big while chosing a filename. Also since some of the measurements require specific movements or breathingexcercises I don't want them to have to begin supervicing this while still having to interact with the program. I know there are other ways to solve it, but the request from doctors is a smooth userfriendly program and they want to be prompted for a filenamn when they press save. Hope that is good enough reply. I'll try what you are suggesting orko, thank you Anna
  2. Very sorry about the multiple threads, I'm not sure how to post on the forum yet, I saw it as two different problems seperated from eachother. I'll try to be more specific this time about what I'm asking for. I cannot post all of the code because of copyright reasons, but I've made a copy of a part of the program to try to explain better. Disregard the timerfunction, it really was not the main problem for me. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6374 (We are using an A/D-converter to get information on the physical channels) As can be seen when running the programm and pressing the save button, the dialog box appears prompting for a file name. As far as I can see the VI starts saving the data when the save button is pushed, buffering the data while waiting for input from the user. I wish to know if it it is possible for me to force the VI to start saving AFTER the user have chosen a filename and pressed OK in the dialog box. That is, waiting for the OK button in the dialog box in stead of the saving button. I do not want it to save data while I'm prompting the user for the filename. I have read several tutorials, and I also have books, and I have consulted LabVIEW help as well as internet, but nowhere have I found this answer.
  3. Some more questions about the same express VI: First off, it seems as if the wire really does get a value before the VI executes. We persist in thinking so because the output is first connected to a logical AND together with a paus button before the timer. And when the paus button is not pressed, the timer starts ticking correctly, but when the button is pressed it starts ticking before the dialog box close. It would not start if the logical AND didn't get two ones, which it obviously does. Confusion... Second, it seems that the VI somehow buffers the values while waiting for the file input. Is there some way to force the VI to NOT start saving before the dialog box has posed its question?
  4. Thank you! We strongly suspected that the VI had to execute first and it's good to get a confirmation. However, it doesn't work anyway The timer is properly wired and we have done a lot of attempts to find whats wrong, and we have concluded that it's probably the timer thats faulty (or rather that we use it incorrectly). Thank you for your help though, we posted another thread in "Application and Design..." about the timer.
  5. Hello, We are looking for a timer function to use in our program. It's supposed to start ticking up when the express VI "Write Measurement to file" output "Saving data" gets the value true, keep the present time when the value is false and reset when the value changes to true again. We have tried to use "Elapsed time" but for some reason the time starts ticking before the VI executes. Is there such a funcion in LabView or do we have to build one?
  6. We have some problems with the "saving data" output from this VI. It seems that the output gets the value true as soon as the signal reaches the VI, true? The problem is that we have chosen the option "Ask user to choose file", and we're not sure what the result of this is, it seems to us that the VI starts writing the data to file before it has prompted for the filename to use. The reason for this suspicion is that we have a timer connected to this output, and it starts counting not from when we say ok after choosing a filename, but as soon as the signal reaches the VI. This causes problems for us in many levels :headbang: So, is this the case and if so, is there some way to force the output to stay false until the file is chosen and the file prompt dialog box is closed? Have a nice weekend
  7. Fantastic! Thank you very much
  8. Hejsan, Not sure this is the right place in the forum for this topic, we're brand new users and somewhat confused We're working on our master thesis, and are wondering if there's any possibility for one button to controll another? Specifically we want one button to be automatically enabled when the other one is. Best wishes, two tired students
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