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Jens S.

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Posts posted by Jens S.

  1. Hey!

    I'm working with WAMP right now and need to flatten/ unflatten a lot of data into JSON arrays and/or objects. With named objects or arrays of named objects everthing is fine. But I have to deal with a lot of arrays like this one (a rather small and simple one)

    [13, [1], "7c3c6113-9d26-4354-8e6d-412597b96f0c", false]

    Right now I do something like this:


    Is there a better solution to unflatten these arrays into LabVIEW data structures? I would love to use a typedef for unflattening my data but I could not find a better solution.

  2. We are looking for a test engineer with LabVIEW experience to join our team. You can find more information at the links below (job advertisement in German only).

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via PN or use the contact information in the job posting.

    Job posting: Test Engineer
    All open positions: https://www.jat-gmbh.de/karriere

    We are looking forward to your application.

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