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Everything posted by Lucky--Luka

  1. Hi all, any idea why the function isn't displaying the input correctly? Thanks Doubt.vi
  2. I mean: what is that for loop doing?
  3. Could you explain to me what you have done please?
  4. Hi all, can anyone tell me why the output isn't like: \05\08\07\01\00\01\03\E8\01\B3 Thanks question_byte-ASCII.vi
  5. Hi everyone I need to make a VI that receives 4-byte hexadecimal values as ASCII strings from a CAN-USB interface. I am using an Arduino CAN schield with a firmware that I have not personally written and that I still haven't access to. I do have a problem with the format in which I receive the values. To get the exact value I should add 0 in the middle of the values when missing. I give an example to explain better. I get the string: 2 8 D5 0 0 0 0 B 5 70 <CR><LF> (value: 46448) I'd like to interpret it as: 2 8 D5 0 0 0 0 B 05 70 <CR><LF> (value: 722288) I'll give another example. I get the string: 2 8 D5 0 0 0 0 B 4 5 <CR><LF> (value: 2885) I'd like to interpret it as: 2 8 D5 0 0 0 0 B 04 05 <CR><LF> (value: 721925) The maximum value I can read in this case is 1000000 in any case. After I have added the zeros where needed in order to have always groups of two characters I can make something as in the attached VI to get the number that I am looking for. Does anyone have an idea what algorithm I can use? Thank you! ASCII-HEX.vi
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