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  1. NI Engineer replied me via mail, I have read your post in the forum and have reproduced the problem with LV8.6.1 . I suspect it is an undocumented bug but fixed in LV2009/10. If 8.6 is your development platform, I suggest a workaround to the problem by using GIF images with invisible tab controls. Please see the attached example code. example.vi
  2. Just now, I tested it in LabVIEW 2010, my vi works well even without the Yinyang indicator. So it might be a bug. Or somebody please try once more in LabVIEW 8.6,thanks in advance. I'll try to consult NI.
  3. Thanks, Mellroth. I'm so confused it seems the big one rotating is related to the smallest one in my LabVIEW 8.6+XP SP3. Actually, I want to use only one indicator, the big one,to show my testing is running. When it's rotating, user would know the testing is running, and testing is done or aborted if it's static. The rest two indicators aren't necessary. BTW, I didn't find this is a known bug from here.
  4. Hi,Guys, If I hidden the Yingyang indicator, the other 2 indicators would not rotate when I click button Rotate. However, if Yinyang indicator is visible, I can control "big" and "small" to rotate via that button. This is interesting, and is it due to FP can't update itself? (LabVIEW8.6, XP SP3) Thanks. rotating indicators.zip
  5. Hi, Guys, In my project, I have to use other application which wasn't developed with LabVIEW. My problem are: 1, How to set value to controls from its UI? 2, How to get data of its indicators? 3, How to simulate mouse actions, left-click and right-click? 4, Important, I'd like the UI is hidden. Now I can do 1, 3 with its UI displayed, I can't do 2. Someone recommended a tool named "autoit", but I have no idea about how to start it in LabVIEW. Personally, I prefer to achieve my target with some windows dll or activX, etc.
  6. Thanks for your detailed introduction. I'll try more. Labc
  7. Dear, Could you pls give more suggestion? I'm not good at develop driver for instrument, always I implement drivers which other body shared or NI support. My understanding is: First, get programmer's guide and user's manual; Second, try to know how to configure it manually to finish a specific measurement. ... Labc
  8. QUOTE (JFM @ Apr 14 2009, 09:15 AM) JFM, You're right, It works after adding one "To Unsigned Byte Integer.vi". Thank you. Labc
  9. Dear, I think we can store any format file as binary in db. So I have a trial to read a .zip file as binary, and then convert binary array to a string, which I'll save into db in another vi. Why don't I use Byte Array To String.vi to convert binary array to string? Because many characters are not alphanumeric, which can't be recognized by DB. My question is, why I can't open the new created .zip file? Please see the picture below, I'm confused very much, data 1 are absolutely same as data 2. Please copy 1.zip to c:\ while you help me debug the vi.
  10. QUOTE (tcplomp @ Jun 26 2008, 07:06 PM) Thank you, Ton. It does work! Labc
  11. Dear all, I'd like to drop a Excel file to a Table control of my program, and then all data would be showed in the table. So, what I should do to get the absolute path of the Excel file? As we know, I could use a path control to capture the path, but I prefer there is only one table control in my UI. Labc
  12. Hi,guys, I develope a simple vi to show PivotTable,it can do many work as you do them in Excel environment, but 1,it can't export complicated pivot table as an Excel file, which complains "This PivotTable list uses features that are different to or not supported in Microsoft Excel, and as a result value in Excel report may be different". 2,It can't creat Pivot Chat automatically... Pls copy file 12345.xls into c:\ before excuting vi. version:LV8.2,Microsoft office 2003 Labc
  13. This is an easy vi i wrote.
  14. QUOTE(ned @ Feb 1 2008, 04:51 PM) Thanks for your quick reply, but it is undesirable if user open another Excel document(A.xls, for an exmple) or are editing it while LV is controlling another one(template.xls).There are 2 situations in detail: 1, LV open the tempalte.xls first ("Visible" property is Fault), then user open A.xls; 2,user open A.xls first then LV do template.xls. The very important ponit is that wherever you click a cell of A.xls or template.xls while LV is inserting data into template.xls, LV works well before you save template.xls as another name(B.xls, for instance). And then, LV will complain an error or/and you will find some data missed. Any ideas? Labc
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