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Posts posted by johnbrowning

  1. Ok I’m a total newb at labview, having said that the only things I’ve done in it is play with dials reading from daq and what not. I have been beating my head against a wall for 2 weeks trying to read a continuous stream of serial data from a port. Everybody keeps telling me just use VB but I really want to learn this program so any help will be greatly appreciated. I will post the vi’s some of which i got here and screen caps at end of post. First let me tell you what I’m trying to do and got working. In hyperterminal I open com port 40 hit enter then a message appears with some setting information, then I hit ctrl-g (hex 07 the bel command) which starts the stream there is no need to send anything else it just keeps streaming. In labview I was able to finally get the ctrl-g to send correctly which starts the stream, but I’m only able to receive 500 bytes or so. I’m sure I have to create a loop of some kind which clears the buffer for the next line of characters but I don’t know how. I’m including a comport capture of the data in the text file, “A 496 512 504 496Z” as you can see those three digit numbers can be anywhere between 1 to 4 numbers long. If you don’t know how long there going to be how can you set the length of the buffer? As you can see I tried to use IO assistant which again only received about 500 bytes. When I try to auto parse or even add it somehow, it looks for a certain number of packets but it never stops sending so it just locks up. Anyway please take a look at his and tell me the obvious thing I must be overlooking.

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