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    LabVIEW 2024
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  1. Oh, cool. We're looking at it for a non-destructive test application, so it didn't even occur to me to look for a biomedical toolkit. I've also been away from the NI ecosystem for so long, I don't think I knew that was even a thing. Thanks!
  2. We're currently at the stage of looking at options for the plate. I was hoping to find something that might have an SDK/API, but I guess an ICD describing the communication protocol would be sufficient to allow me to write my own interface.
  3. Same here. I tried to create an account, was told my email address was already associated with an account, asked to reset my password, and never received the promised email (yes, I checked spam)
  4. Good morning all, After roughly a decade away from LabVIEW thanks to changes in jobs, I'm hoping to maybe have an opportunity to get back into image acquisition automation with my new employer. I'm happy to see so many familiar names still hanging around here. Now if I can only figure out how to get access again to my old account: https://lavag.org/profile/4344-gary-rubin/ Gary
  5. Hi, Has anyone had any experience using Labview to acquire imagery from digital x-ray plates? I've no success Googling for digital x-ray plates + LabVIEW. Thanks!
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