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Diac Stefan

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Posts posted by Diac Stefan

  1. I am new with lab view and I need help with a project. It reads the dates from an esp32 and 2 senzors one is dht11 and the second is a mq135

    I dont know how to make this:
    -Periodically records and saves measured values at predefined time intervals.
    -On demand, it reads and displays measured values for previous time intervals.
    -To display of measured values via the Internet on a web browser.
    I am stuck with this points. I need help ASAP!



  2. On 4/22/2024 at 12:16 PM, Rolf Kalbermatter said:

    And what is the program on your ESP32 doing? Does it even listen on the according serial port? Does it know what it should do when seeing an *IDN?<new line> on that port? What does it send back when seeing that command?

    The ESP32 is a capable microcontroller board but it needs a program that can implement the reading of your sensors and react to commands from your LabVIEW program and send something back. And that program needs to be implemented by you in one of the supported programming languages for the ESP32. Most likely you will want to use ESP-IDF as a plugin in either Eclipse or VSCode. 

    This is the code i use! It works, but what i want is to take the data in the response and to separate and to put separate!


  3. I am new with labview and i am a little stuck! I build this in order to read the data from 2 senzors one for temperature and humidity and one for air quality conected to an esp32. What i want is to take the data and make it that the values i recevie to be put separately each one in his own output! What to do?

    Screenshot (222).png

    Screenshot (223).png

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