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Posts posted by JasonD

  1. Thanks guys. I had forced my way into the VI a few days ago to see what's in there. I usually stop dead when I see a DDL call, in case there might be possible issues (as what Shaun mentions).

    The slowness issue appeared for me when I jumped to Windows 10, so perhaps the code in that DLL is a few deprecated Win 7 calls which just need to be modernized by NI. 

    Thankfully I was able to code around the slowness in my case, to perform only a single call to Get Text Rect at about 30ms run time, down from around 120 calls at 30ms each, which was leading to noticeable laggyness in my UI. 


  2. After doing a bit of a deep dive into trying to isolate the bottleneck, it's still pretty unclear. I was able to replicate OP's claim of 5x slower for User Specified fonts, even though it was just Arial font I was using as User Specified. But there was inconsistency across test machines.

    Creating a simple test of the Get Text Rect in a For Loop and running it 1000x showed User Specified as much slower than Application or System fonts, but what's odd is that if you Continuous Run that test VI and then watch the milliseconds per 1000 loops, you can observe it be slow, then open the Performance and Memory Profiler, and it instantly gets faster, on par with the Application Font, without even starting the profiler (the window call was enough to kick it faster). Then it doesn't slow down after that until you quit LV. Same effect occurs if you have a "Save as...:" dialog pop up, it instantly speeds up, and stays fast. So there must be some sort of call under the hood to suddenly get the system to tell the DLL inside GetTextRect to cache the User font stuff.

    So, there's probably a lot more digging that could be done, but for now, I'll see if I can use the Get Text Rect VI more judiciously in my application. I like the caching idea as well, but with the kerning in quasi-random text strings, that could be a real headache.

    Thanks for the rapid response!


  3. Hello from 2021 - I'm just encountering this issue myself, "Get Text Rect" was super speedy in LV2014, but now that I've (finally) migrated to 2020, I'm seeing the same sluggishness that you are seeing. Actually, I recall seeing this in LV2014 on Windows 10 as well, so it may be a Windows 10 thing(?)

    I'm just wondering if you found a fix or an easier method than pre-caching all possible chars.


  4. Why you need so many different software and shortcuts to create freehand sketches on BD while you can

    paste anything on the BD through the built-in Windows clipboard. Copy anything you want to the clipboard

    then Ctrl+V to paste in anywhere you like, any size you want on the BD.

    If you follow some simple Design techniques and structures , i believe you will rarely use this feature unless you

    really have to. One thing I can think of is the State transition diagram, which will be kind of useful info on the BD

    for the other programmers to have a general idea of the designed state machine within the code.

    Wow - I'm really late responding here...

    Usually when I say "back panel" I mean "Block Diagram". In my head it's"Front Panel" and "Back Panel". Incorrect, but it's stuck in there (my head).

    If you notice the date of my original post (2003) and you consider the version of LabVIEW that was out back then (probably LV 6)...

    NI did actually grant my request. They added the functionality I was wishing for in LabVIEW, namely the decorations that are available on the Block Diagram.

    My original thought was similar to what people posted above, in that it might be nice to circle or highlight a chunk of code for documentation purposes.

    And yes, it's very easy nowadays to paste in images to the block diagram or the front panel.

    The block diagram tools that are in current versions of LV do the job nicely for me. Sometimes in a tight block of code, it's nice to have a text comment box off to the side, then then draw a diagonal arrow to the code the comment refers to.

    I'd highly recommend the NI "Idea Exchange" where developers can post feature requests. Other visitors can "vote" on features they like.

    - jason

  5. I've been wishing for a freehand sketchpad for the diagram view. Maybe also have the basic "draw tools" - text, squares, fills, lines, etc.

    I'd love to be able to just look at the back panel, and circle a big chunk of code and then maybe have some explainitory text next to it.

    It would have to be a layers thing, so you could click a button to hide or show.

    yeah, that's what subvi's are for but still...

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