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Everything posted by paololt

  1. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Nov 17 2007, 06:37 PM) Thank you very much for your help..now i try to do that. another question please. i have to put my results in a graph. i explain you better. i have to graph the bit error rate in function of the dimension of the packet. with your help i can obtain bit error every time, but now how can i put this resuolta in a graph to have ber? thank you again
  2. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Nov 17 2007, 04:01 PM) ok..i have realized the comunication between two pc; i send a string from one of them and i receive the same string. Now i have to compare the two stings bit by bit abd then i have to find if there are errors or not. But i can't do that. i'm looking for a function to compare the two strings but i don t find it. I suppose i can convert stings to byte array and then compare the 2 byte arrays bit by bit but i can' t do that at all. can you help me please? thank you
  3. Hi all, i need someone help me I have to realize a ping between two pc; i'm following an example i found in Labview example under the section udp networking. My problem is that: i have 2 strings to compare bit by bit: data sent and data received and then i have to calcolate bit error rate. how i can do that? thank you
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