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Found 2 results

  1. Version (latest version 5.5)


    (latest version 5.5 - November 3, 2015 - LabVIEW 2010) Chess Game with artificial intelligence 100% LabVIEW AI : algorithm MinMax + Alpha-Beta pruning two game levels : "novice" and "Jedi" editing interface (edit on/off) a) moving mode : left-clic on the starting square, left-clic on the destination square b) positioning mode : right-clic on a square opens a context menu to choice the piece. This engine 5.5 is stronger than the previous engine 5.0 (Jedi level) unzip - run "Chess_ouadji.vi" Have fun! ouadji, if you like this Chess Game, a kudo is most welcome! (here - first post)
  2. Name: Chess Game Submitter: o u a d j i Submitted: 22 Nov 2014 Category: *Uncertified* LabVIEW Version: 2010 License Type: BSD (Most common) (latest version 5.5 - November 3, 2015 - LabVIEW 2010) Chess Game with artificial intelligence 100% LabVIEW AI : algorithm MinMax + Alpha-Beta pruning two game levels : "novice" and "Jedi" editing interface (edit on/off) a) moving mode : left-clic on the starting square, left-clic on the destination square b) positioning mode : right-clic on a square opens a context menu to choice the piece. This engine 5.5 is stronger than the previous engine 5.0 (Jedi level) unzip - run " Chess_ouadji.vi " Have fun! ouadji, if you like this Chess Game, a kudo is welcome! (here - first post) Click here to download this file
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