Hello I am implementing a Time of Flight analysis for ultrasonic waves.
My Vi return me error 01 when I press "Get A-Scan". How can I correct it ?
The scénario ist quite simple:
- I should simulate an ultrasonic wave(ref. Pictures) so that
-the user could call/display the differents Ultrasonic Scan(A-scan, B-Scan, C-Scan, etc)
-The User should be able to estimate the time of flight.
Time of flight definition: (TOF) describes a variety of methods that measure the time that it takes for an object, particle or acoustic, electromagnetic or other waves to travel a distance through a medium. Short, the estimated time between the input impulse and the reflected impulse.
I got inspired by the LabVIEW Ultrasonic Starter-kit.
PS: don't hesitate to make me any remarques. We learn by making mistakes.
My question.7z