Hello everyone,
I have been sent here by NI Support, as they were not able to explain the behaviour to me.
I have created a little demonstrating VI, that shows some weird behavior:
When I go into a for loop with some data, the runtime depends on the amount of data i transfer/collect with outside bound autoindexing tunnels.
The weird thing is, that it executes faster if I collect data, for example I get the following values:
# Tunnels = 0 => mean runtime 37 ms
# Tunnels = 1 => mean runtime 37,5 ms
# Tunnels = 2 => mean runtime 35,2 ms
# Tunnels = 3 => mean runtime 47 ms
The attached VI is LV 2015, but the images should give enough explanation.
If someone could explain this to, this would be great.
Thanks in advance
LAVA Test VI Performance.vi