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Found 1 result

  1. I've got an application that is processing some fairly large images. They are typically 4800x1280 pixels, 32 bit images. As part of the processing, I resample the image to adjust the aspect ratio. The IMAQ Resample (bi-linear option) function is fast at this, typically around 50-60 ms on my development computer. Unfortunately, this application is going to be distributed to multiple customer sites, and the IMAQ Resample is part of the Vision Development Module, which requires a run-time license for each client computer. That's not acceptable to our customer, especially since resampling is the only Vision Development function I use, the rest are custom fuctions. To get around this I wrote my own solution in G. It uses the Resample Waveform.vi function to do a row-by-row, then colum-by-column resample. It works, but it's fairly slow, around 3-4 seconds (sometimes up to 10s, depending on what mood my computer is in). Not bad, but I'd like to do better. Admittedly I haven't tried to optimize it yet, it's not a high priority. So before I dive into this, has anybody got some code or link to an efficent algorithm they would be willing to share that can do this?
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