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  1. As with many of my posts, this is very dangerous, and should under no circumstances be used with anything too important to be affected by crashes, corrupted VI's, and other bad stuff, which will very likely happen as a result. This is only posted as a curiosity about the internal behavior of LabVIEW I found an interesting private property for the GObject class: Basic Object Flags. This provides low-level access to an object's flags, such as (for controls) the mechanical action, disabled/grayed behavior, etc. Some of them cause very strange behavior, which is not surprising for a private property. I can confirm that this is the same as the "flags" value seen in Heap Peek. I wrote a VI (attached here) that lets you change these flags. Just wire a GObject reference to it, and the front panel will pop up and let you interactively change the flags and see the results. Does anyone have any more information on what some of the flags do exactly? Here's what I have so far for controls: 00000008 - Object is disabled (sort of like it forgets it exists)00000010 - Object is not selectable00000020 - Object is not resizable00000080 - Object is grayed00004000 - Object exhibits strange behavior, becoming grayed at random00010000 - Affects mechanical action00020000 - Affects mechanical action00040000 - Affects mechanical action Object Flag Manipulator.vi (For those unfamiliar with private properties/methods, they're additional properties and methods that remain hidden even when scripting is turned on. To enable them, just add "SuperSecretPrivateSpecialStuff=True" to LabVIEW.ini, but be warned, this is internal low-level stuff that NI doesn't support.)
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