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Using dynamic Events in LV7.

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LV7 introduces dynamic events. I have experimented in certain applications with the use of dynamic events to replace or compliment queues. Has anyone else done the same?

Specificaly, I would prefer to use dynamic events in the same or similar fashion as queues. I would like to get a dynamic event refnum by name if possible. I would also like to use them outside of the event structure construct.

I'm presently trying to see how dynamic events fit-in if at all to the present architecture of large application development. Any help or suggestions from personal experimentations is appreaciated.






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  • 2 months later...

Hello Michael:

At the presentation I am giving tomorrow at NIWEEK on one way to use nested tabs for data and control systems, I show an example at the end of the presentation in which I do exactly what you are referring to: generating user events as a substitute for queueing events. I just started using LV7, but my initial architecture uses a single event structure inside of a while loop which replaces the traditional state machine and is analagous to your third "combined loop" architecture discussed at the LAVA meeting on Aug. 13. I find so far that this method works well but as discussed at the LAVA meeting, lack of event flushing (at present?) (analagous to queue flushing) could be an issue.

I downloaded your article on Developer Zone by the way and will look it over. I was also wondering if Jack could post his single loop architecture for Simon Says game presented at the LAVA meeting. I could not see everything, but it appeared to me since he had a timeout case wired with a time constant, that the architecture is still in fact a polling architecture. But maybe he did this just for this specific application.



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