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DAQ - Multi slot calibration

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I am using a piece of cDAQ hardware to acquire voltage outputs from 16 transducers measuring pressure in a wind tunnel. Each slot in the cDAQ can accommodate 2 transducers. I am able to calibrate one slot at a time using DAQ assistant, but I would like to be able to calibrate all 8 of the required slots simultaneously. Could someone please advise me on the easiest way to attempt this? Many thanks for any help.

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I am a very new labview user, after learning a little more about the DAQ system I am using I realise my initial post is probably lacking some detail.

I am using a PXI-1044 chassis with 8 PXI-6224 modules inserted. Each module can take 2 transducers which are converting pressure readings into an analog output. I would like to be able to calibrate all of the transducers going into all of the modules simultaneously.

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