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Labview 2009SP1 crasches with a 'visa resource name control' on the frontpanel

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When I'm opening a vi with a visa resource name control on the frontpanel Labview crashes.

Does anybody have the same problem?

It is easy to check, take a blank vi put "Visa Configure Serial Port.vi"

and create a control on the vias resource name or try to open "Visa Configure Serial Port.vi"

Greetings Berthil

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Thanx for triing.

The problem is solved with help from NI.

I upgraded labview2009 to labview2009SP1, but I didn't install the newest drivers.

The NiVisa 4.5.1 was causing the problem.

Even MAX was giving problems and wasn't showing the ports on my computers.

I upgraded the NiVisa driver to 4.6.2 and cleaned the corrupted MAX database and the problem was solved on the computers where I had the problem.

Edited by Berthil
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