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Error -200072 in Labview

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I am a student and I would like to take continuous temperature measurements using thermocouples,I am using the Cont Acq Thermocouple Samples-HW Timed.vi. I am using also an SCXI-1000 chassis, an SXCI 1102-B module, an SCXI-1303 terminal block and the PCI-6034E board.

I want to calibrate my thermocouples so i use the National Instruments Measurement & Automation Explorer. I have finish with the calibration of my thermocouples and I have save my task, so I turn to the vi in Labview in order to take measurements. Before I begin the measurements I open the DAQmx Create Channel.vi in the Block diagram and in the task in tab I give him the task that I have previously save from Measurement and Automation Explorer, in order to use the calibration that I have already done. The problem is that when I run the subvi it's appearing an error -200072.

Is there anybody who can help me?

Notice that I 'm using Labview only for 1 month so I 'm not very familiar with this program!

I have also attach a printscreen of the error message.

I would be grateful if you help me!



It looks like you've got a list of channels (maybe in a 1D array), and that list has duplicates in it - but I can't tell much more than that from the error dialog. Can you upload your code?


Thanx crelf, here is my vi. This is a very simple program for acquisition of thermocouple signal. I have the same problem, I can't use the calibration that I have done in the measurement and automation explorer.

Thanx for your help

Acq Thermocouple Sample.vi


Thanx crelf, here is my vi. This is a very simple program for acquisition of thermocouple signal. I have the same problem, I can't use the calibration that I have done in the measurement and automation explorer.

Thanx for your help

In your example VI, you start the task by using a DAQmx physical channel (which just identifies an analog input line on the device) and you configure it from the VI. I can run this VI just fine on virtual hardware by selecting an available physical channel. But I think the problem is that if you are configuring the channel in MAX, then you must have configured it as a global channel and you should be using that global channel to start the task. If you use a physical channel, then you don't get any of the configuration info from MAX and that's why you have to use the Create Channels VI and select TC. The global channel will carry the configuration and scaling information with it. See the attached VI - if you have a global temperature channel defined in MAX, then select it and this VI should run.


Acq Thermocouple Sample.vi

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