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Anyone looked at this book... "LabVIEW: A Developer's Guide to Real World Integration"


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I love to add to my personal collection of books, but at $100US list, this is a bit pricey for my own library (I like buying the cheaper used ones). I might get my employer to purchase, but I am interested to know if anyone has looked at it. Here is the publiisers link:


It was published Dec 12, 2011.

I am not familiar with the authors or contributors and the table of contents does not have me chomping at the bit, but I might be too focused:

Excel ActiveX Automation Using LabVIEW, Steffan Benamou

Interacting with Windows Applications, Bill VanArsdale

A General Architecture for Image Processing, Craig Moore

Radio Frequency Identification Read/Write in Sports Science, Ian Fairweather

Pachube: Sensing the World through the Internet, Anne Brumfield

Power System Applications in LabVIEW, Nesimi Ertugrul

Recursive Computation of Discrete Wavelet Transform, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Vanishree Gopalakrishna, and Philipos Loizou

Solar Energy, Pedro Ponce, Brian MacCleery, Hiram Ponce, and Arturo Molina



I don't recognize any of the authors off-hand, but I would at least the first three topics good for general-purpose integration knowledge. The last two seem like they could be vague wrt a specific application, but on the balance it seems like there would be useful information. $100USD is rather steep for a casual read, though.

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[...] $100USD is rather steep for a casual read, though.

Especially when considering that you get 277 pages of paper for the money. I do not know anyone who has read it, but I would expect topnotch information for that price.



That's pretty interesting. No public replies.

Anyway, I had my company order the book - a small dent in the quarterly profits (recognize my avatar? That's not Tony from Kellogg's. This is probably just a US thing anyway.).

It should be in next week. I post after a quick perusal and then after a more in depth read.


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