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determine object pose

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I have been dealing with the issue of determining the pose of an object following the: http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/372916M-01/nivisionconcepts/spatial_calibration_indepth/


I have calibrated my camera system and tried to determine the Rotational matrix and Translation vector following the documentation (please see the attachments below saved for LV2011).


I have also calibrated my system with Matlab calibration toolbox and the focal distances and optical centers are basically the same (so the intrinsic calibration is correct). But the calculated Rotational matrix and Translation vector are correct in Matlab, but incorrect in Labview.


Could someone with more experiences pleas helpe me to understand what am I doing wrong? I think I am mis-interpreting the NI Vision documentation. But it is stated that the camera matrix and projection matrix (homography) can be used to determine the Rotational matrix and the Translation vector (homography matrix).


Thank you and best regards,



P.s.: The correct values should be approximately (Matlab results):


Translation vector [mm]

-84.665374 -67.225807 384.071521

Rotational matrix

0.003979 0.999874 0.015387
0.858000 0.004490 -0.513631
-0.513635 0.015246 -0.857873



Edited by chimera
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