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'String control' - max width of input text


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I do not know a way to limit the legnth like you would in VB. You could crudely programtically limit the length of the string by setting up the string to update immedately upon writting in it (this way it triggers events upon typing) and then checking the legnth to a value you set.

I attached a quickie example of what I mean by this.


:DDownload File:post-1884-1111503839.vi



It is crudely way :) but it is simple and works (... instead of local variable i'd prefer value property node :) Somehow I don't like to use local variables :) .

Thanks for idea,



It is crudely way :) but it is simple and works (... instead of local variable i'd prefer value property node :) Somehow I don't like to use local variables :) .

Thanks for idea,



It is something I have been wondering is there any difference memory wise between a local variable and the value property node? or is it just a preference from visual languages (VB...)

If anyone has any comments about the memory allocations of the local variable vs. the property node I would love to know....



For me it is just a preference.

If you want to read sth about local variables vs. property node, please look at


BTW there was such topic on Programming Discussions > General -  "Local Variables or Property Node" :)



Thank you very much for that article. I want to mention that article that follows on memory in labVIEW is a must read for programmers (like me) who are trying to hammer down memory and write more efficient code.

:beer: Cheers!!! :beer:

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