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Codeless radio buttons

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I am currently writing a program in LabVIEW 6.1 that makes use of a series of radio buttons. I understand how to manually do this, but the complexity of my program makes it too much work. I have seen in other posts that there is a way to use a control for a codeless alternative to this dilemma, but the attachments have been deleted. If anyone knows how to do this, please attach the appropriate control or show me how it's done.



Hi Pandaman:

I might be wrong, but I think the automatic radio button thing didn't show 'till version 7.0 :( .

I think that even in version 6.1 you might be able to pass references to the controls to a sub-vi, so that most of the clutter of the radio buttons logic ends up in the sub-vi. Let me know, if you need an example, I might be able to find one in an old program, given some time to look for it. Perhaps someone else can put their hands on an example without searching...

Better still, use this as an excuse to convince your managment that they should cough up the bucks to upgrade you to version 7.1 :)

Good Luck, Louis


Experiment with "Customise Control", you can change a slider into a codeless radio button with care.

However do you really need a radio button? If there are 3 or 4 options, just use a slider set to I32, line up some text and you're set. The function is the same (selecting just one option).


Thank you both... I have however modified previous radio button code to work with my program (using the power of local variables and property nodes). Having done this, I am too lazy to use your method, aledain :laugh:. I will probably use it in the future though.

I have attached a diagram of the section of my code responsible for button handling. It may be useful to others who want coded button handling who require it to be in many nested structures.


EDIT: Also include wait for 1 ms somewhere near button code (within while loop)

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