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Mathematical Virtual chanel calculation on streamed data

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i am working on a power logger tool using the NI data acquisition 4309
i am sampling voltage and current signals  from a board (current on shunt resistors) - lets call those Physicals channels

my task is to calculate some virtual channels on the streamed data and present it on graph and log to file


Physical channels:  Vcore, Icore1, Icore2,VDDQ, IDDQ

virtual channels:

Icore_tot = (Icore1 +icore2)

Pcore = Vcore * Icore_tot,


Ptot = Pcore + PDDQ


1) i have a configuration INI file that sets the channels to be sampled and virtual channel equations

2) i would like to aligine and add the Virtual chnnels to be displayed on Graph and loged


my current solution is memory/resource hungry i take each line of the data i sample and calculate the virtual channels with the Equation node (see image)

need help to do it right  load and parse the equations from the file and calculate the virtual channels to be aligned to the measurements and add them to the graphs

i believe there should be some easy easy to do this on chunks of data as i sample for the DAQ




 data should look like this at the end :



what is the best practice to calculate virtual channels? equations are loaded externally from INI file so need a way to parse them


thanks, for the help and support

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