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Reset Messages


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hey everyone. i am trying to interface my hardware with labview. i have a small reset pin on the hardware. each time this switch is pressed i wud like the window i have created in labview to also reset and start over. at the moment each time the reset pin is pressed the window updates but to view the information written in the window "recieved messages: from HARDWARE" i have to keep scrolling down.. if anyone knows how to solve this problem please inform me....

thanks in advance :thumbup: :thumbup:

Download File:post-4207-1140523356.vi


Is it just coincidence that you and "zero-tolerance" appear to be programming for the same hardware & same user interface or are you posting to this forum under two names? :nono:

Anyway, your stated problem wasn't very clear.

You don't like having to scroll the front-panel window?

Is that it?

You just might want to consider laying out the front panel window so everything fit without having to scroll.

Anyway, if you do want to scroll the window then the attached VI shows you how to do it. (LV v7.1)


Download File:post-2800-1140536269.zip

Is it just coincidence that you and "zero-tolerance" appear to be programming for the same hardware & same user interface or are you posting to this forum under two names? :nono:

You caught that too, eh Warren? :shifty:

Anyway, if all you're trying to do is clear the indicator, there's two ways that are usually used. One is to use a select or case statement to decide between filling the indicator with the string received (from the hardware) or an empty string. The other is to use an invoke node (right click indicator; Create->Invoke Node) and chosing "Reinit to Default" to set the indicator to the saved default state.

I'm kind of unsure however why you would need to clear this particular indicator since you are directly writing to it (not concatenating) and only reading the bytes available on the port. Do you want to eliminate the scroll, or "Reset" the messages in the indicator to an empty string...?

BTW, I noticed that you are sending an empty string to your motor every 50 msec when no button is pressed (idle state). Don't you want to instead put your VISA Write inside the case where the button is pressed and place the wait outside in the main loop?

Joe (orko)

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