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Help! Help! a total beginner! (about DAQ)


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I am a student working on a project, HELP PLEASE~~

I am using a DAQ card for recording voltages from 16 channels

I use a 'bundle', connected to 'acquire waveforms', to collect the data and show in a graph, and write into a spreedsheet as well

I want to ask

1.How to show voltages of 16 channels separately at the front page instead of graph?

2.I want to do some calculation on the data output from the 'acquire waveforms' VI,

divided by 0.00001585 followed by divided by 100 ( because there is an amplifier with 100 gain before the DAQ device)



Download File:post-4459-1142481307.vi


Hi Homanjay:

Welcome to the LAVA forum.

Try attaching "Index array" to the wire of the data array on the block diagram. Then create some indicators on the front panel, and wire the outputs of index array to them.

(Most important advice I can give: Learn to use the help system built-in to LabView :!:

That's why the above instructions are a little bit incomplete. Struggle with this a little bit & if you make some progress on your own we'll help some more.)

Best Regards, Louis


Thank you Louis~~ :)

I finished that part as well as the calculations~~really thanks a lot

May I ask one more question?

How to make it automatically save into a file on the first day and save into another file on the next day?? and automatically name the file as the date of recording??


Okay, since you did some work or your own, you qualify for more help. The advice you got earlier about learning to use the LabVIEW Help system was a good one. You also want to get used to going to the included LabVIEW examples first.

You also want to explore NI Developer Zone ("DevZone")

Example Code at NI DevZone

Go there and search for LabVIEW code using keywords: file automatic naming

You should get a page of links, one of which will be a thread in the DevZone forums:

How automatize Filename ?

There is a donated code snippet/library/vi to do some of what you want. Search around DevZone examples, you might find other goodies :thumbup:

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