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LV 7.1.1 Conditional Probe Question

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Hi Gary,

While I'm not sure on why conditional probes are only available for certain types -- I'll tell you that nothing has changed in LV8.

Of course, there's a few more conditional probes for non-numerics (which are in LV 7, too) -- Strings, Booleans, Error Clusters. Anytime I want a conditional probe on a numeric which isn't I32/U32/DBL I normally split the wire and convert the offshoot to DBL and then make that wire go to a structure (which I don't use) and use a conditional probe on that one new DBL wire. That way, I'm not messing with the original wire's data type, but of course, it's a bit quirky...

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Anytime I want a conditional probe on a numeric which isn't I32/U32/DBL I normally split the wire and convert the offshoot to DBL and then make that wire go to a structure (which I don't use) and use a conditional probe on that one new DBL wire.


That's what I've been doing too. It would just be nice to not have to clutter up the diagram like that...


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You know, I've never thought of that -- Making a custom probe gives you a boolean out to allow for a conditional probe style.

Jeff, you don't even have to do it that way. Maybe this was what Michael was refering to... There's a probes directory in vi.lib where the conditional probes live as vi's. Modify one of them (say the I32 to be an I16), and then select it as your custom probe. Now you have a conditional I16 probe. No need to use a boolean conditional probe on another custom probe (if I'm understanding you correctly).


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Am I missing something? Why not create a custom conditional with any datatype you want?
You know, I've never thought of that -- Making a custom probe gives you a boolean out to allow for a conditional probe style.

Thanks Michael!

I started to post this yesterday, but stopped. Rather than reinvent another custom, why not go over to the OpenG website and get the Universal Probe and modify it slightly to make it conditional like you want? One size fits all.

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