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Dynamic Graph updates

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Hello all!

I've spent my summer working on a research project at my college. Over this time I've modified/created three core VIs (among other things) that we use to analyze our data. The first one frequency counts, the next one shaves this counted data (due to our signal being a bit noisy), and the last one performs an FFT on the data in order to see minute deviations from the fundamental frequency.

Well, now that you have a bit of a background on what I'm doing, how about my problem? I wanted to make the analysis process go a bit smoother, and so I took these three core VIs and wrapped them all into one all encompassing VI. The problem I have is that the second VI (the shaving program) has dynamic output as it runs and requires equally dynamic input from the user. The reason for this is that we never really know exactly what bounds we'll want to use for shaving, but we want to get as close as possible too. So I had the VI display each stretch of data as it came up and the user could then put in the optimal bounds. Now, as a stand alone program this works fine, but I'm having problems with it as a sub VI. Since the sub VI only gets the initial input from the parent VI and only displays the final output, I can't make use of the VI's dynamic nature.

Now that you have the background and the problem, I can ask my questions. The most obvious of which is can this be done? Can I dynamically update the output in the parent VI, or dynamically provide input? Is the only solution to have the sub VI automatically opened when it runs? Or do you all, who are much wiser than I in the realm of LabVIEW, have other suggestions on how to go about wrapping these programs into one easy-to-use VI?

I'll attach the parent VI, as well as the shaving sub VI. Just please keep in mind that I only started using LabVIEW at the beginning of this summer, and so my code/technique is probably pretty sloppy.

Thank you all very much in advance. These forums are truly a glorius place for anyone with LabVIEW concerns.

Download File:post-5431-1155052667.vi

Download File:post-5431-1155052695.vi

P.S. I apologize if this isn't the best category for my question. I feel that this is pretty strongly related to user interface, since that's what needs to be dynamically updated, but I could be wrong.


There are several methods. The one I chose is by embedding your sub-vi into a subpanel of the top-vi.


Thanks for the advice. I ended up just copying the code from the sub VI into the top-VI so I could customize the top-VI's FP a bit more. I know it's a bit clunky, but at least it's working. Thanks again.

...Obvious, if you don't care of diagram size...

Yeah, I know. It's pretty bad technique, but with this particular VI I think the Front Panel size and order takes precedence over that of the Block Diagram.

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