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Architecture for multi hardware control


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I am designing a optical multi board control system which includes a Laser source, a Polorization Control module and a Polorimeter, the 3 modules are dependent with each other.

I need to open modules, active Laser source, use Polarization Control to change light parameter and use Polorimeter to measure the result.

Every module should be configed, measure prosess must contains control, acquire, save data, and so on, the software can analyze data without instument connection.

Always I like to use PC event pattern to construct my event driven system to make it looks like a classic windows software, day after day I find that event driven is not suitable everywhere and LabVIEW is not a traditional language with his own characteristic, more project I have finished, more puzzles for my architecture design, I browses NI forum everyday for good thead about architecture, but I am still a pupil in LabVIEW area.

Another thing is an instument keep alive information need to be sent with fixed interval, if I understood"keep alive correctly".

Thank you very much for your sinerely advice.

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